Fan pasta: Toffee. by gilamasan

It was a nice summer afternoon. I’m kidding of course, this
is set in Britain so it was bucketing down with rain. Luckily Jacob, mat, and toby were inside at the local shopping centre of London. Many people think London is the only city in England. This is in fact false. There are two cities, London and Britainburg. Jacob had purchased his own copy of steelywheely automobily, the British GTA. Toby had bought a sally acorn spy plushie, and mat had bought a crate of Bedfordshire clangers. He was pretty hungry. It was getting l
Ate so the three decided it was time to head home. They were about to walk over to the stairs but mat stops for a second. Jacob looks over to mat and said “mat, what are you waiting for? If it gets dark before we leave we could get mugged”. Mat scowls at Jacob and said “you think I’m going to carry this crate of Bedfordshire clangers all the way to the ground floor via stairs?” toby looked at him “well we’re not using the lift again. Teke teke was in the lift last time and she tried to stab me with her elbow scythes.” Mat was getting worked up. “Well I’m not carrying this crate down the stairs.” Jacob sighed “fine we’ll take the lift.” This was the fastest Jacob has ever given up since he read the Lost Episode of Wheel of Fortune. So they all went to the
Lift. You may remember that mat was too lazy to carry the crate of Bedfordshire clangers down the stairs. The three stooges pressed the button on the elevator. The doors open and they go in. they may have not entered if they took time to see who else was there. In the elevator there is LOL Skeletons, Jeff the killer, Teke Teke, and worst of all, JC the fucking hyena. And in case you wandering he actually is a hyena, and it’s not just his “fursona” (I feel unclean for writing that). JC glared at the pasta cast with malicious content. his eyes were black, red and they were bleeding black blood that glowed red and the blood was hyper realistic. Maybe he was mad because of their comments on his “masterpiece”. This made Jacob and Mat quite uncomfortable, but not as uncomfortable as toby who was scared that Teke teke would elbow him again. Already this was the most awk
ward lift ride they had ever been on, but after five minutes without the doors opening it becomes clear that something was wrong. JC the hyena was the first to comment “the bloody red…elevator is… bloody broken… Bull freakin’ horseshit!” LOL Skeletons screams at JC “Shut up. It’s bad enough without your annoying voice”. JC Pushed LOL skeletons into the elevators. It didn’t hurt him of course as JC weaker than a jellied eel.  “Fuck you dick bones. I’ll punch you in your bloody micro dick”. No one could continue to bear listening to JC’s blathering. They knew that LOL Skeletons actually did have a small dick, but JC insulting dick sizes was very hypocritical of him. All of a sud
den, a voice was heard on the loud speakers. It sounded like it came from an obese doctor. It said “hi, it is me. Dr Raven cuckoo Esquire. I lost my medical licence after I let a killer roam the streets thinking he’d come back if he still felt like murdering people” Jeff smiled. He knew who the doctor was talking about “hey doctor. Remember me?” Jeff shouts at the speaker. Dr Raven shouldn’t have been able to hear him but he responded. “You should come back to the doctors. All that killing is not good for you. Anyway the elevator is broken. I have alerted the fire bobby’s and they will be here in about five to seven hours”. The spe
aker went quiet and it didn’t even take a second for JC to open his big fat mouth. “Seven bloody hours. Bloody fucking hell”. Jacob was sick and tired of hearing JC whining all the time. He is getting ready to punch the hyena in the snout. But then… THE LIGHTS TURNED OFF. The lights never turned on. After three seconds the lights turn on.  They all heard the speaker again. “I have some good news and some bad news. The good news is that the fire bobby’s will be here faster than I thought. The bad news is that someone has been killed. I’m not sure who though. Sorry guys”. Jeff, Teke teke, and the bad creepypasta crew look to see a dead JC the hyena. He was bleeding blood for his red wounds all over his brown and black fur that was drenched in his hyper realistic black blood that glowed red.  This would have been a shock to them if it wasn’t for the fact that no one liked him. But then it hit them. There was a killer in the lift. And since they all hated JC, any of them could be a killer. Jacob said “well JC is dead. Unless someone else dies I don’t really care who did it. But it could be Jeff. His name is Jeff the killer”. Jeff was quick to defend himself “I’m not one to defend JC but you were about to punch him in the face. If anyone’s the killer it’s you”. And with that they both started fighting. Jeff pulled a reasonless knife out of the pocket of his hoody. Jacob pulled out an N64 controller. Jeff lunged at Jacob and ruined his fast as a leporad t-shirt. Jacob used the analogue stick on the n64 controller to give Jeff blisters on his hands. It looked like either of them could be the killer, but then teke teke lunged at toby and violently elbowed him. LOL pointed at Teke teke “its her. It’s the legless girl with the elbows” everyone tackled Teke teke and she was rendered immobile, mostly because of Mat. Then… THE LIGHTS TURNED ON. This time the lights really never turned back on, except they did. When the lights turned on, everyone saw Teke teke all broken up. She was haemorrhaging profusely from all over. The the lift lodgers all heard Dr raven on the speeker. “the lights tur
ned off again. It seems that the elbow lady is dead. Sorry guys.” Was this was DR found. Everyone was getting scared. They were all on top of teke teke so there was no clue of who the killer was. Mat than spoke “maybe she was crushed buy our collected weight”. Jeff smirked “or maybe it’s just you.” He then laughs, but then he began to choke on his false teeth. The speaker responded “no… it can’t have been anyone here. It’s impossible.” he then proceeded to the window and jumped out. The lift riders then heard a loud crash and a car alarm from the speakers. DR raven walked back into the room covered in bruises and on fire. “He’s here” The DR said. The lift residents looked confused. Jacob looked to the speaker “what do you mean. Who is here?” the DR was silent for a second. Then he spoke “it’s the toffee… crisp… vampire. I jumped out of the window to test his presence. I always land on the ground when the chocolate demon is present. I can’t help you when he is here. No one ever gets out alive. Sorry guys.” The speaker then turned off. This time for good. They were all terrified. Even if they fire bobby’s managed to get to them on time, some of them would still die. Lol skeletons climbed out of the pile and said “I’ll go delete true stories while I wait for some wanker to kill me. The others were still looking at jeff. “I don’t care if DR poopoopaloo thinks the toffee crisp vampire is here. Jeff is the killer. It’s in his fucking name?” said toby. The l
ights went out. Big surprise there. they all looked at Jeff.
And… he… was… dead! Not just a little dead. He lied on the floor with his
stainless steel jellied eel plunged between his ribcage. His corpulent figure became a gauntlet of depravity. Now with jeff gone, the suspect was toby. LOL skeletons pointed his bony finger at toby. “It’s him! THE TOBEAST. He accused Jeff to divert suspicion away from himself!” toby face palmed. “Ok… even if I was the killer, why would I kill the one everyone suspects. Even JC wouldn’t do something that stupid.” Jacob interrupted the loud rambling. “don’t you guys see a pattern here. Everyone who accuses gets accused. we can’t waist our time arguing”. Mat got up. “we can’t just wait for the fire bobby’s. I’m busting out of here”. He then grabbed the door and pushed hard. Then he pulled. Then he pushed. Then he pulled then he pushed. But the door wouldn’t bulge. Mat was exhausted. He didn’t open the door but at least he got some exercise. It seem like there was no escape from the ell
ivator. They would just have to wait patiently. For about three hours they were eagerly awaiting for the fir bobby’s arrival. The lights went out for the final time. When they turned back on. LOL Skeletons is dead. He didn’t look much different as he had no blood or guts to smear all over the place. But he was dead none the less. Now the only people there were Mat, Toby, and Jacob. It could have been any of them. They all hated the murder victims so they didn’t really care. They just sat down and waited for the fire bobby’s to arrive. “You know what” Jacob said “we haven’t made a pasta cast in a long time. We could record an episode here”. Then they heard a deep demonic voice. “You were supposed to be going insane. You know? Believing each other to be the killer!” it was…JC THE HYENA…somehow still alive. The three musketeers all jumped in terror. Jacob pointed at JC like John Travolta when he’s over acting. “You were dead. We saw you with your hyper realistic blood all over the place!” JC laughed menicaly. “I have unfinished business. I’ve spent my whole life trying to get rid of you. Ever since you insulted my masterpiece, I wanted you off of the internet. I wrote a sequel with everything you hated, so you would read it, and lose your ability to continue bad creepypasta. BUT STILL! You made more. I had no time to make another horror epic, so I came here. To make you kill yourselves. But even that didn’t work. Now I will finish you of myself. BY THE POWER OF THE SEVEN EVIL GUARDIENS!” they stealed themselves for what was to come. Just then. The room went red. A rectangular figure appeared behind JC. It unfolded two gigantic leathery wings. It said in a way only a chocolate can speak “somewhere…someone…is about…to DIE!” JC looked back. He said “oh bullshit. Now we’re all going to die!” Jacob was not scared though “oh really? He won’t kill us. Were loyal customers of nestle.” The toffee crisp vampire shot his deadly lasers at JC. JC feels his insides turn to toffee crisp and his skin turn into chocolate. He fell to the floor. JC the hyena… had become… a toffee crisp. The toffee crisp vampire vanished into a puff of smoke. The fire bo
by’s plunged there axes into the elevator. Loosening it as
if it were relaxed and to alow there entrance. As they open the door. They find Jacob Mat and Toby. Sitting in the elevator with dead boys around them. The walked out of the elevator and soaked in the sunlight that had been taken from them. “Hey guys” Jacob said. “What?” said the other two. Jacob picked up a music box. “ we have escaped the elevator and JC is dead. There’s only one way to celebrate an occasion like this… we must dance to the bad creepy pasta anthem” they opened the door, got on the floor, everybody walked the dinosaur! Even the fire bobby’s
Then end